Designed by Rutam Rane
Commandos Imperial Glory Praetorians Eidos Pyro Studios
The period covered by Praetorians starts in the year 58 B.C. Gaius Julius Caesar has formed an alliance with Marcus Crassus, the richest Roman Proconsul, and Gnaeus Pompey, called the Great - Rome’s most celebrated general. The alliance is known as the first Triumvir, or "rule by three." Their goal is to rule the entire known world and beyond.

The Roman Legion had two functions – the first as a precision killing machine, the second as combat engineers to build bridges, roads, fortifications and siege weapons – which they generally had to do under fire. The Roman army was controlled by a military manual and code issued by the senate in 102 B.C., and it was a general order that at night a roman army build either a fortified camp for a legion, or a fortified enclosure with watchtower for a cohort or century moving independently. In battle, the Legion would form up in three lines, with its cavalry on each flank. Whenever possible it would do so on high ground to gain the advantages of better sight, missile fire and momentum.

Battle tactics comprised of waiting for the enemy until they were 20 yards from their front line (the Roman soldier was safe, protected with his helmet and a semi-cylindrical shield from eyes to shin). At 20 yards, the order would be given to throw the first javelin (pilum), and then when the enemy faltered getting over their dead the second was thrown. The order to advance was then given so as not to receive an attack in a static position. Just prior to contact the legionary would slam his shield into the enemy, then stab with his short sword (gladius), which was then twisted and pulled out before the movement was repeated. Legionaries were taught to aim under the enemies arm, or anywhere on their trunk. A four-inch wound was enough to kill or disable.

After about ten minutes the rear line would push its way through the front line after discharging its pilums, and the first line pulled back behind the third to rest, dress wounds and be re-supplied with pilums. The discipline and centurion organization which made this movement and replacement possible gave the Romans a tremendous advantage over barbarian enemies, and is the main explanation why small Roman forces, under good leadership, were able consistently to defeat vastly larger aggregations of barbarians.

Even in drawn-out battles the casualties of a victorious army in antiquity were usually relatively light, while the losses of the defeated were frequently catastrophic. This was particularly true of Roman battles. Caesar also instigated a reform where his legions each had 30 ballistae and catapults. He deemed these his field artillery and they were capable of inflicting terrible damage before, during and after a battle was fought.

The Romans were not very vulnerable to cavalry due to their defense techniques - a cohort of pilum throwing infantry could bring down enough horses to stop a charge from the front. The enemy cavalry only occasionally gained the advantage of turning a flank, as happened to Caesar’s right at Pharsalus in 48 B.C. He responded with six cohorts armed with pikes and siege spears that skewered the front ranks, bringing down horse upon horse, eventually routing 8,000 cavalry and turning the battle.

The Roman armies of the period were in a state of change. Less than 50 years before, seven times consul of Rome, Gaius Marius, had changed the composition of the army legion from a checkerboard formation of centuries using four distinct types of infantry to one standard legionary capable of providing his own missile power. They were still organized in centuries of 80 men under a centurion and his deputy. Each century had its own standard bearer, who had a very important role – the standard could never be allowed to drop.

There were six centuries to a cohort and ten cohorts to a Legion. The only exception to this was the first cohort, which had double sized centuries of 160 men and provided the Praetorian Guard for the legion commander called a legate. Several legions made up an army; Caesar had eight for his conquest of Gaul, six of which he had to raise from scratch.

Originally Rome raised one legion of Allies to fight alongside one Roman Legion. Now, with the total conquest of the whole of Italy, it was the practice to raise cohorts of Auxiliary troops to fight alongside Roman legionaries. These consisted of infantry and cavalry, and specialized light troops such as archers and slingers. The Centurions who commanded these had superior pay and the title of Prefect.

The role of the centurion was central to the functioning of the legion from control of the 60 centuries to the battle command of the whole legion. Each legion had 59 centurions, the five senior centurions of the 1st cohort were the most senior, the centurion of the 1st century, and 1st cohort (primus pilus) was the equivalent of a modern Regimental Sergeant-Major. The command of the Legion was given to a legate appointed by the senate a political command; he had six tribunes to act as staff officers, all hoping eventually to command an army. The legates deputy was the Camp Prefect (praefectus castrorum) who was the highest-ranking centurion, his was a permanent appointment made from a Primus Pilus of at least 25 years experience. It can be seen then that all tactical control of the Legion was in the hands of centurions of various ranks and these helped make the Roman army the ruthless machine of war feared throughout the known world.
Commandos Imperial Glory Praetorians Eidos Pyro Studios
Commandos Imperial Glory Praetorians Eidos Pyro Studios
The weight of the Roman army rests upon its Centurions. In great victories it is they who will willingly die whilst organising a retreat for their men. The Roman army depends on its generals more than any other; with them, the legions become the most fantastic instrument of aggression ever created.
No other army better understands the importance of keeping its soldiers healthy as the Romans do. Physicians are fast and efficient healers, and thanks to their capacity to treat any type of wound, they will increase the chance of victory. Make sure they are kept from harm!
Auxiliary Infantry
The most basic unit in the Roman army is the Auxiliary Infantry. The Auxiliary Infantry's main role is to construct and maintain Roman war structures and machinery. They are weak in both attack and defence.
Auxiliary Archers
All Roman armies count on a number of foreign combatants to complement the Legions. Amongst them one can find the Auxiliary Archers.
The Spearmen is a combat unit that consists of one man and a spear. The spear is used in hand-to-hand combat instead of being thrown. In battle, they are inferior to heavy infantry units, but are very effective against all types of cavalry.
Balearic Slingers
Highly regarded by the Roman Generals, Balearic Slingers are a robust, range attack unit. They are very agile and are effective at wearing down enemy troops. A stone thrown from these units will not only do damage but will also reduce the enemy's energy. They are very effective against siege engines.
The Legionaires represent the main bulk of the Roman Infantry. They are equally effective in attack and defence. Their only weak point is their speed of movement. They are also unable to cross fords and swamp terrain.
The Roman army don't utilise a large riding force. However, Roman horsemen are agile and powerful, but are extremely vulnerable to enemy arrows and spears. They are also unable to penetrate dense forests.
Archer Cavalry
The Archer Cavalry combines the cavalry's mobility with the archer's capacity to attack from long distances. These horesemen require greater space to manoeuvre in than regular cavalry and are also unable to penetrate dense forests.
Gladiators are fearsome melee fighters proficient in the effective use of all types of weapons. This means that a Gladiator's attack will ignore any enemy armour. Their offensive attitude also has a disadvantage, as they are difficult to control.
The Praetorian Guard are the elite force who are usually in charge of the Emperor's protection, but in these troubled times they act as personal guard for a praetor or any other high ranking Roman army Officer. They are effective against enemy cavalry, but their greatest strenght lies in their ability to defend.
Hawk Scout
Gaul scouts are an extremely important unit that are able to see through the eyes of Hawks and report on terrain from great hight.
Wolf Scout
This scout unit can control wolves that are able to report on activity in dense forest areas. This can warn the scout of any enemy ambush that may await there.
Catapults can throw big rocks in an arc, this allows the user to hit the enemy without disrupting their own defensive/offensive lines. They are however less then accurate when having to attack moving targets.
The Ballista has amazing destructive potential in the battlefield. Using the force of torsion from animal tendons and guts, it is capable of propelling huge wooden bolts in a straight trajectory. In this manner, the wooden bolts are capable of penetrating many enemy lines before comming to a halt.
Battering Ram
The Battering Ram is a siege weapon designed to survive long enough to reach the fortress gates and knock them down. They are also very usefull for destroying garrisons and defence towers.
Assault Ladder
Assault Ladders are the most basic fortress assault armament. They are however very weak but are able to move trough shallow water unlike other siege weapons.
Assault Tower
Assault Towers are enormous structures that can be pushed against the walls of an enemy fortress in order to gain acces to it. You can place up to three troops in a tower, they are aslo able to shoot from inside the tower if your troop has a range attack. Assault Towers cannot go up or down slopes.
Commandos Imperial Glory Praetorians Eidos Pyro Studios
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