Basic maps have been provided in
ASCII. They show important paths,
rivers, bridges, villages and
fortifications. They omit elevations
and terrain types completely. These
maps are not intended to show every
detail, rather as a guide to the
approximate position of mission
critical elements such as villages or
objectives. They should be used in
conjunction with the in-game maps.
Note that one can see all terrain
once the mission starts - 'fog of
war' only applies to hostile units.
Compass point directions given in the
text assume north is at the top of
the page/screen, south at the bottom.
Missions last until all the
objectives have been completed.
Current objective status can be seen
in-game by pressing F9, or Esc and
selecting objectives from the menu.
Some objectives simply need to be
maintained throughout the mission,
for example keeping a certain
character alive. Other objectives can
be completed during a mission and
then forgotten about - such
objectives appear as green on the
in-game list. Objectives often change
during a mission. They are shown in a
format such as:
- Starting objective.
- + New objective once that
starting objective is complete.
- Another starting objective.
+ Objective added during the
mission (triggered by something
other than another objective
being met).
The starting units shown are those
under your control at the outset; not
allies or future reinforcements. The
starting units listed are those on
'normal' difficulty, and may not be
relevant to 'easy' or 'hard' (see
What do the difficulty settings change?
above). 'Available units' are troops
types that may be trained, often
later in the mission once a village
has been gained. 'Available
construction' indicates what infantry
may build. |